Samstag, 1. November 2014

Autumn is my best friend~

Well when I woke up this morning the first thing I heard was the purr of my lovely Minami - like always in the morning 'cause she was damn hungry!
After I decided to open my eyes I saw this!

She was laying on my arm and watching over my sleep I guess! For me THIS was a perfect start of a new day. The day before was Halloween and I wasn't really feeling like celebrating it at all. I saw so many people on Facebook for example that they want to go into a club and party. Well i'm not the type of guy who loves to party like this. I love Halloween so much. I mean Atumn in general is such a beautiful season to enjoy. I spent my time playing some Hyrule Warriors on my Wii U. I bought the new DLC for it and started to enjoy playing that it was like 2 am in the morning when I felt like taking a break. It was so fun! I decided to sleep instead on go on playing.
Today I played some Hyrule Warriors and listening to music in between. I'm currently obsessed with the band "Overworld". Such Awesome So Music! You should check them out if your enjoying some good music like me ;) For the rest of the day I guess I will be video-chatting with my bestfrie... Twin more-likely and his girlfriend. Starting to kick some butt in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS or playing some Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Let's see what this evening holds for me.
For now this is it! I just wanted to share a little moment I really cherish sooo much right now!
The little things makes life worth living! ♥

Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014

I never considered myself...

...getting back here to post a Blog. Sorry for those who aren't that fluent with english, but i really need to do this in english. I just feel like it!

Well for me when I first started to think about starting a Blog I had many ideas, but i didn't know how to start or what to write. So after that I never really got back here to do something at all. Let's say I was really busy in my life handling things. Well yeah and now I started to think about doing this like writing in a journal. Not an everyday thing more of a notebook of thoughts I have in my mind or anything like that. These days I'm really thoughtful because many things in my life have changed. I feel weak in what I do, if I do something. I think about so many things lately, that I don't know where I'm standing right now. It's really hard to get some of those issues fixed. 

But in this time I really learned more about life and things in general. I learned to admire people in my near surroundings more, those who stand beside me and help me get through my mess. It's really hard to cherish those things, that are always there. Those things that seem so normal. These are things we lose track in such a short instant we never really think about anymore. Just if something in your life is changing so much you feel left alone and left behind you start to think about what went wrong. You can see that there are people or moreover friends that are there to help and support you. I never was the type of guy who took life and other things for granted. I worked always hard for the things I cherish the most; Clearly losing track of my own things in my mind.

Well in my darkest hour I saw a slightly sight of just a few people who wanted to be there and help me so much I was really fascinated what I reached so far. That I found people that want to be there whenever I need them, even if I'm not the type to think about myself in the first place. I'm the person you would know as a guy, who gives more than he takes.Well this is something I really wanted to share somehow, even if those words may not reach so many people, but I want those words to reach my dearest! I really wouldn't know where I'm standing right now without you. I never want that you think I take you and your actions for granted. I cherish every single thing you do for me like a warm gift filled with love and joy for me. I can't thank you people enough to be there for me and do the things you can do best!

 I'm glad to say that YOU are my friends I can count on in life. I hope this will never end, because without you I wouldn't be standing here and wouldn't know what to do! Thank YOU so much for beeing there for me when I need a helping hand. Even if your just there to write some kind words I just need in that moment. YOU know I'm talking about YOU! So don't pretend that you're a good friend and a good person in what you do. I'll always be there for you aswell to be someone who can support you to the fullest. When you are feeling down I lift you up, just like YOU did for me! I'll give back everything I can so you won't fall like I just did. I wanna be there to protect YOU! So once again....


Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013

Aller Anfang ist schwer !

Willkommen zu einem weiteren Blog von einer eher unbekannten Person!

Das bin ich! Naja wieder mal einer von der "speziellen" Sorte. Ja Ich weiß, es ist wieder so eine Sache mit dem Bloggen. Wieder einer, der meint es wäre cool seine Meinung Kund zu tun und einen auf Besserwisser zu machen. Ich hatte auch erst einige Zeit gegrübelt, ob Ich das wirklich machen soll, bloß die Nachfrage war  komischerweise echt groß bei und im Freundeskreis. 
Man kann es ja mal versuchen! Ich denke Ich fange mal mit einem Steckbrief an, damit man sich von Mir ein Bild machen kann:


Vorname: Marvin

Spitzname: Kuro

Alter: 20

Geschlecht: Männlich 

Familienstand: Vergeben

Staatsangehörigkeit: Deutsch

Herkunft: Wedel nahe Hamburg

derzeitiger Wohnort: Berlin

Hobbies: Musik, Fotografieren, Gedichte schreiben, Konzerte, Videogames,  Freunde, Manga/Anime

Musikgeschmack: Metal, Rock, JRock, Elektro, OST,... 

Was Ich von diesem Blog erwarte:
Ich denke, durch diese große Nachfrage möchte Ich gerne meinen Senf zu Themen abgeben, die mir durch den Kopf gehen. Dann möchte Ich auch gerne Themen bekommen, die von anderen sind und Ich schreibe meine Meinung dazu. Außerdem denke Ich, werde Ich diesen Blog dafür benutzen auch mal Gedichte zu posten, um Feedback von Euch zu bekommen. Ich schreibe echt gerne welche! Ansonsten werde Ich ja Unterstützung von meiner -noch nicht vorhandenen- Community bekommen. 

Ansonsten hoffe Ich, dass Ich was mit diesem Blog erreichen kann. Ob es nun zur Meinungsbildung beiträgt oder ob es vielleicht nur irgendwelche Tipps sind, die einem weiterhelfen können. Und um hier gleich ein wenig Würze mit rein zu bekommen, werde Ich hier mal mein Account reinpacken und mein Facebook-Account. So kommen dann auch eventuelle Themen zu standen. 
Mal sehn wie weit Mich das Bloggen bringt!